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Old August 28th, 2008, 21:44   #15
a.k.a. Palucol
Gunny_McSmith's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: MTL
lol airsoft drones!!!!
now you could make a automatic reloading system!!!!

I have been thinking about that, so...

first you'll need a kind of arm thats will go back and forwar, and with the angle of the gun, when it pulls back, the shell could fall in a container...

After that you could create a kind of gravity magazine, and the shell will fall into the barrel, and then the arm will push forward to load the gun!

or if you are into complicated stuff, you could create the first blowback m203 with a clip and shell ejection!, but that would be kinda hard to do!

PS: if you could give me your email, (by PM) I could send you a drawing of it...and help you with it
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