Well I have been busy on my latest project. I would be the first to admit that I am not the best gun Doc but when it comes to robotics and machining i can hold my own
Behold.... this is my new recon \ assault vehicle.
This bad boy will hold 2 40mm gernade shells at 140 rounds per shell. I have a wireless color video camera with sound that can transmit back to my LCD headset. The vehicle is 4WD and 4Wsteer. being electric it is whisper Quiet.
The system runs off a 6 ch computer radio and gets roughly 500 meters range.
The turet system can rotate left to right and can move up in down about 55 degrees
The shells will be madbull 140 rounders and will be fired be remote by a servo depressing the fire pin.
Keep in mind I just roughed it up for testing and everything will be secured down and rock solid when it comes to game time.
I dont think i will have to worry about players camping out in the barns at our field anymore HA HA..

Whats everybody think? please be nice as it will be cleaned up alot more.