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Old August 28th, 2008, 01:30   #1
twisted concept
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Toronto, Ont
Dboys C-mag and JG feeding issue

Calling all tech heads and Gun Gurus,

Just wondering if anyone has tried the following combo of Dboys M4 style C-mag with JG before? I recently acquired a Dboys Cmag and it won't properly fit the mag well of my JG 416. Its not the mag well itself because i can use my other mags with no problem but, the issue comes up when i try to use the C-mag. The problem that i'm experiencing is that first, the mag catch wont engage the mag all the way, and hence wont lock. Second, It wont fire (probably due to the mag catch not catching).

I've run out of ideas and all the help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advanced,
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