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Old August 26th, 2008, 16:14   #10
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Broadview,Saskatchewan
ThanksCQB, I am more concerned with the reliability. I don't want any more than 320fps. Stock fps is fine. I am looking for a dependable, solid built gun. That will handle the abuse of the field. Any upgrades I am interested in, would be for durability factor, not increasing fps, or RoF. I don't really give a **** about RoF. It is what it is, and that is more than enough. And what good is a gun that shoots at a fps that you can't use. No, I am more worried about durability of the gun as a whole. How solid they are put together, and what materials they are using. More about looks, feel, and durability, than all out fps and RoF. My AK just broke on me, so I'm fixing that as we speak. (not internals) some small white metal tab that holds the outer barrel in place under the forestock. Have to go Macguyver on it. So I am really, really only concerned that I won't have to be constantly repairing a poorly built package around the inner workings, no matter what version of mechbox is in it. I can always make the inside stronger with upgrades for durability, and they wouldn't be all that much money. But you can't really make a poorly constructed container for all those parts better. I am trying to find out who builds the most durable containers, that those innards to go into. Preferably all metal. (I am only looking for MP5 A4's from all the parties concerned, as well as the CA53 A2)
The ICS sounds like the best constructed, the TM sounds like the best stock innards, and from what I can find, only CA makes the CA(H&K)53 A2. But I am not sure ( haven't found anything in specs or reviews) if it has a metal reciever. Or if CA has a metal body kit for it. And I haven't found out any other makers of that gun.(53A2) Does this concur with more knowledgeable folks in the community?
So I guess what I am looking for is....If you had to choose an MP5 A4 based on durabilty, and quality of build of the externals, from TM, ICS, or CA. Which is built the strongest? And as for the 53A2, does anyone know if anyone else makes one besides CA, or if there is a lower reciever of 53A2, made by someone, that would fit into one of the other MP5A4s.
Thanks again all, I know I am the umpteenth million person asking all this ****, but bear with me ( and others). I have been doing my reading and researching, but some stuff, you gotta ask people in the know. And there are alot of people here at ASC that know. Cheers
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