HomeBrew Iron Man Airsoft Mask
Hey guys, I just went to Zellers today and I saw the IronMan toy masks with the repulsor gauntlet and I thought to myself, "That would make a great Airsoft mask with some work, and be original to boot."
So I bought it for $29 and change and took it home. Upon looking at it, it was fairly comfortable, and made of a flexible and quite durable rubbery soft plastic. It stops a BB from my KWA M4A1 no sweat from 5 inches.
Now that I had safety concerns out of the way, I decided to make it a bit more useable by opening up the lines with some ventalation. The mouthpeice only had the bottom part actually open, so I took out the Dremel and opened up the entire jawline so it was just like in the movie. Then I opened up the vent in the forehead as it was actually closed off. After this was surface prep, so I started sanding away that the shiny stock surface.
After sanding I gave it 3 coats of krylon ultra flat black as a base. It looked great all black, but I wanted to throw some green in there just for a bit better camo, and to add some definition to the features of the mask. I masked off the bits I didn't want to be green and let fly with the olive green krylon, 3 coats of green had a nice even covrage of the center portion and facial lines.
The finished product is below, all I need to do now is get some lenses from an old pair of safety glasses with a similar shape and glue them into the slots behind the mask. It's actually made quite easy to put them in, since the inside of the mask has a rubber form fitting inside thing that goes between your face and the actual mask (see the last pic). I'll just have to Dremel them to size and use epoxy or some other strong/flexible glue to hold them in.
Let me know what you all think!