Just got my new USP and finally mounted everything I have for it!
It's a GP Custom USP made by the techs at WGC Shop in Hong Kong... so that means --
Shooter's Design Metal slide
Shooter's Design metal outer barrel
KMhead Tightbore
Enhanced recoil spring
Enhanced hammer spring
Blackhawk SERPA for USP full size
Blackhawk S.T.R.I.K.E. plate
Hogue Grip (OD)
and a piece of electrical tape to fix the rip in my hogue grip until I can get a new one!

Mounted on the front of my HSGI Weesatch

stripped the paint off of the outer barrel today so it would match the end of the spring guide

It's awesome.. Haven't gamed it yet, but It will be gamed every game I go to from now on

(It's got a permanent space on my chest!)