Thread: Which Mask?
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Old August 8th, 2008, 11:55   #32
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I'm not going to do that stupid "+1+ thing and then quote everything that Surebet just said. I will however say this.

Have you spoken with the OPP that patrol the area near your home? Do you have written recognition that all of the officers out of your local detachment (or city) know that you are playing wargames using replica firearms on the property?

People have been surrounded by RCMP ERT teams for sitting on THEIR OWN privately owned land while shooting gophers with .22's. You seem to think that you can do ANYTHING you want while on your own land, and that is simply not the truth.

How high do you want to upgrade your gun? Want to pump it up as fast as possible? 550fps sound good? Great, then we get to deal with you being charged as a criminal for firing a firearm at another human being.

Maybe you're along the fence-line and someone drives by in their pickup truck while seeing a child in camouflage (you) take aim with your 'assault rifle' at another child. They call the RCMP, city police or OPP and suddenly you are fucked up.

You don't seem to grasp how many variables there are to getting yourself (and MY sport) fucked up by some silly actions of yours.

I have 140 acres of field that are in the process of being set up. I have spoken with the three local area detachments and brought in examples (the worst possible/scary looking guns) to show them. Each of the officers at the three detachments know what is happening and there are barriers set up blocking public view (and no, not just 'brush').

So what have you done?
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