Sell your airsofts and buy real firearms (I did). Sure, you can't play wargames with them, but they are a lot of fun and the firearms community needs fresh blood.
The more legal firearms owners we have, the harder it becomes for the David Millers, Wendy Cukiers and Michael Bryants of the world to strip our rights
YOU can legally own pistols. YOU can legally own an AR-15. YOU can legally own an M-14. YOU can legally shoot all of them and more at your local gun club.
YOU CAN show everyone you know that ordinary everyday people CAN AND DO own and handle firearms RESPONSIBLY.
Firearms ownership in Canada has a future, and its YOU and ME!

Hate me??? Buy the T-Shirt!!!
*With purchase of Tibet of equal or greater value
Last edited by Agit-Prop; August 2nd, 2008 at 22:20..