Originally Posted by Amos
... I'm a lefty... and honestly... with airsoft guns.. it does not matter... It's not like you have hot brass ejecting into your face.
Originally Posted by Lawdog
I'm curious as to why this feature is so important to you. I shoot mostly lefty, but am actually close to ambidextrous and have had no problem with the AS guns I use.
Nice to know there are some lefty's out there like myself! I actually would be a righty, but my right eye isn't so good...
Really sucks when you're trying to shoot from behind cover cause your sights are one big blur! Or shooting a righthanded bolt action. Reloading is kindof annoying too with an m4 but you get used to it. Anyway.
As i remember ambidextrous fire selectors are hard because sometimes you can't make the switch go through the gearbox.