Thread: anderson order
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Old August 1st, 2008, 01:01   #109
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There's probably going to be implied bias here, but let's look at facts.

What kinds of guarantee are offered?
Unless airsoft is illegal in your country, we offer a MONEY-BACK guarantee that you will receive your order and that customs does not seize it. If a seizure does occur, we give you your money back or ship a replacement!

4. Will you ship products to me if airsoft guns are illegal in my country?
We can still ship the items to you, but we will not guarantee delivery and shall not be held responsible for any customs seizures/ confiscation. In the event of customs seizure, no refunds will be available.

UNCompany does not take responsibilty for the delay or Lost goods by shippers or any customs seizures/confiscation. If this happen, please advise via email, we wil try to contact the shipper or the custom to solve out the issue. Again, YOU MUST MAKE A CLAIM WITH EXPRESS SHIPPERS.
None of them take responsibility for seized guns. Just my $0.02
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