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Old July 31st, 2008, 15:51   #18
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Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
I'm all behind my ICS M4. It's a beauty. It's licensed by Olympic Arms, the trades are very nice and you have a fucking plethora of things you can do with it. I've had no problem finding a second upper mechbox nor have I had any problems finding another hopup unit. It has a nice FET on it, shoots 360fps with the first mechbox and second shoots 340fps. I'm putting a 11.1v li-po in the buffer tube and won't have any trouble buying an upper receiver to have two separate systems. Yeah the color is a bit too pale vs flat black but it still looks so much better than those ugly fucking trades the KWA has.

If it wasn't for the trades I might have had considered a KWA. Now that I have an ICS, I will never consider a KWA. If I ever buy another Armalite, it will be a STAR one.
Had a Ics-m4a1 best gun i ever own. I chose the kwa because of the price, mopic was selling them and the fact that i dont plan to open the mechbox for a while... the cqb shoot at +/-350fps which is all i need.

Personnaly i dont really care about the trades as i always paint my guns... black is to obvious in any environment...

Anyone used the g&g mags with the KWA?
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