Originally Posted by trevor
No, I just wanted all the real bits since most of the clones I had used before had some "issues", and I had the chance to get all the parts I wanted at once. The MUR (or any RS upper) needs to be milled out slightly so the cylinders will fit. I took it to a local shop and they modified it for $50. The DD systems are extremely light! This is 1 of their claims to fame. The MUR adds a lot of weight, a teammate has the same setup in a M4 without the MUR and his is noticeably lighter. That is the only thing I dislike with the gun, carrying it all day.
I gotta say that I am totally infatuated with your build. I see it in my sleep. I just bought a finished Hurricane HK416 and I cant stop looking at your AEG. I am going to apologize to you right now but I think I am going to have to build one similiar to yours or else I am gonna go insane. I won't post it here and if I post it anywhere I would give you the props on the build. I would not do it with Systema though. Systema is top notch, but I would use KWA to save some money. That DD 9.5 Lite rail with the Vltor front flip up and the Noveske flashhider is THE ABSOLUTE NUTZ!!!!!! Once again, I aplologize ahead of time if I bite but that AEG is killing me!!!!!!
Hurricane HK416.
SGM910 Combat Light.
Echo 1 Cranestock.
Guarder Aimpoint Replica.
KA Knights SPR Trigger Guard.
UTG Motor Housing Ergonimic Grip.
G&G Troy Flashhider.
Last edited by hjs032570; July 29th, 2008 at 18:58..