Originally Posted by hjs032570
Wow that is a badass AEG, Actually the nicest one I have ever seen. All top quality products too. A lot of real steel on there. You have a LE job? Did you have to modify the upper receiver to fit the DD rail? How is the weight on it. The DD rail looks like it would not be too heavy being so perforated.
No, I just wanted all the real bits since most of the clones I had used before had some "issues", and I had the chance to get all the parts I wanted at once. The MUR (or any RS upper) needs to be milled out slightly so the cylinders will fit. I took it to a local shop and they modified it for $50. The DD systems are extremely light! This is 1 of their claims to fame. The MUR adds a lot of weight, a teammate has the same setup in a M4 without the MUR and his is noticeably lighter. That is the only thing I dislike with the gun, carrying it all day.
Qlong, I ran a CASV on my other M4 but have switched it back to the original PTW handgaurds since this 1 has the rails for night games with the flashlight.