I played the whole game last saturday with a GreatPlanes 1500mAh 11.1v LiPo.
Those that where at the taliban base at the end of the day saw what kind of power they can kick.
Gun was a TM AUG. All stock except a 400 fps spring, metal bushings and a 350A MOSFET.
You don't HAVE to charge the pack in a ceramic pot. Just make sure that it is on some fireproof surface, and that there is not anything flammable near it.
Also, if you can, charge it outside, because in the event that something goes wrong, the toxic fumes won't kill you.
Never got a badluck with a LiPo in my entire life.
Also, NiMh don't have memory effect. They just tend to unbalance, just like LiPo packs. It looks the same from an external point of view, but cycling the pack won't make that much difference.
As I told to some guys at the game, LiPos are not more dangerous than gasoline.
You put a very volatile, explosive liquid under your ass everyday when you drive your car. More, you use that explosive attribute to make your car work.
Why worry about a LiPo that could explode is miss handled. Just be carefull.
On a side note. I will be ordering some 11.1v 1600mAh LiPos to be used inside M4's buffer tubes, with a balance charger. Should be for sale here in the next weeks.
Originally Posted by Drake
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.