Hey all.
Hey everyone not really intending this to be an introduction, but Im a new member, as well as new to the hobby coming from Calgary AB, as such I have also signed up for calgarys JOC Airsoft forum. Ive been trying to get into the sport for about 5 years now, however I was under 18 at the time, forgot about it, and now at 21, Im ready to get back into it.
Heres the main point of this thread
Ive been lurking for some time, and I know I have to be age verified to purchase/view/sneeze anything on the website, however it doesnt look like the two people that verify for Calgary are active. Is there anything going on or anyone in the Calgary area that can help me get verified?
Last edited by Shijima; July 21st, 2008 at 16:39..