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Old July 20th, 2008, 19:22   #11
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Originally Posted by Dylan_19 View Post
Thanks for your imput guys. I actually don't like fully automatic for an uzi because it only holds about 50 bbs. I know uzis should be fully automatic, but to be honest, I just really like the way the uzi looks, and the fact that it has a great capacity for a just semi automatic gun. I have considered getting a semi automatic c02 powered pistol, but you don't usually go over 17 round capacity, this is why I prefer an uzi. But if I need to use a gun with fully auto, I will use my kraken.

Thanks for the videos, the review is great! It is convincing me that this uzi might be the gun for me

Actually the Uzi Pistol is only semi auto as you can see HERE

I think the Crosman Air Mag M50 is in fact a Uzi Pistol (which is basically a semi auto only Micro Uzi), and not a Micro Uzi as some say.
If you see the pics in the link above you'll notice that the Air mag is exactly the same as the one shown.
And you can easily make it into a full auto Micro Uzi if you want

By the way, here is a review of the Maruzen Micro Uzi , which apparently is the exact same gun.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter."
- Ernest Hemingway

Last edited by Dao; July 20th, 2008 at 19:43..
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