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Old July 13th, 2008, 16:49   #40
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Toronto
I've been building them for a while now, mostly from Home depot Aluminum tubing for $10 for 3 feet.
I been doing 1" FAKE suppressors to hide longer inner barrel, never to reduce sound or muffling using fillers cotton,sponge, etc.

I want to build a 40mm X 250mm diameter one for a 500 or 509 inner barrel for a g36c next. Still trying to figure out an 1" to 40 mm diameter connector though. Mind you the thing costs $45 from airsoft parts so more likely I will just buy it from Jugglez if I can't find the 1" to 40mm connector that looks good.

As you can see from the pic, 1" tubing fits well over my spare g36 hider. I cut a strip of sprite can aluminum and wrapped it around the hinder and JB welded it to the old spare hider. I used washer on the front end and sprayed it all black.
This was a cheap thing to do because I had all the spare parts already from other projects but most of the time it would probably be cheaper and look better just buying a fake suppressor after you factor the cost for paint can, aluminum tubing, jb weld, washer, spare hider.

Recently I found out these guys sell different diameters and qualities of tubing:
and info about aluminum types here:

people pmed me so:
pics I promised:

Here I was marking and measuring for what looks good but not too long.

Just before jb weld spare hider

Jb weld washer before sanding excess off

leting it dry after spray paint. I did 2 light coats of flat black and 1 coat of semi clear because thats what I had in my tools/paint closet.


Last edited by Syn; July 14th, 2008 at 12:25..
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