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Old July 8th, 2008, 00:51   #9
formerly chippy_125
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Originally Posted by Denver Keith View Post
I read that article, that's really interesting. Of course there is some process of combustion to create the flash, but I had no idea it was capable of severely burning a victim. I guess LE really do take the phrase "non-lethal" to its reasonable limits. You're right, though, IRL situations which may be deemed safe, in their respective circumstances, may become unsafe even in a recreational environment, such as your case.

Ah well, they do say "fools rush in"...
Flashbangs can be pretty nasty things, there was a news article here in victoria a few years back after a training accident during a joint JTF2/RCMP exercise where a flashbang went off prematurely and damn near blew off the soldiers arm. IIRC the flash of a flashbang is burning magnesium and therefore not something you want going off near you.
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