Originally Posted by Denver Keith
Oh, gosh. *This is just a general comment, not a barb at one person.* Sometimes, I really resent the "super-safe" game we try to turn this into. I guess it is already called "air-soft", which is mom-friendly enough, but the way we're going, we might as well cram the word "safe" in there, too. Or "fuzzy-kitty". I know, I know, we live in a non-airsoft friendly nation, but still. I guess I'm just ranting from my frustration.
Honestly, I would love to get blasted by a full-blown RS flashbang and get light up by thirty close-range rounds. That would be the sweetest kill ever! I'd pat the guy on the back and have a big dumb smile on my face, that would be so awesome. "Dude! I just got rocked by a flashbang!"
Don't castrate the thing. If we're really shooting for realism in our mil-sim sport, let's try to make things at least less anticlimactic than sewing-machine long arms and camera-flash flashbangs. Sorry if this jumps off your topic, but I'd appreciate others' opinions too. To those trying to actually produce one of these, I salute you. 
Also, a real steel flashbang would not be a fun thing
Flash bang Burn
They use an incendiary in it, haha
Yeah, I know airsoft is supposed to be exhilarating, but there are some risks behind it; broken teeth, bones, egos and a variety of other injuries, but we acknowledge these and still go ahead because we love the sport. I'm not trying to baby this idea, however my eyes are light sensitive (Which SUCKS!) so I'm not too sure what would happen, haha. I'm all for realism (I'm buying a few more low caps for that MP5 you sold me

)and I'd love to see them in play, but as I said before; health issues may come into play.