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Old July 7th, 2008, 16:20   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Victoria, BC
functional Flashbangs for airsoft?

ok guys not sure if this has been discussed on another post yet or whatever but I'm huge on the CQB aspect of airsoft and as we all know every real team SWAT, ERT, JTF, SAS, SEALs... they all use flashbangs. We have granades and claymores that shoot hundreds of BB's kinda like the real deal with sharpnell, but what about flashbangs? Is there a safe way to create a flashbang effect for airsoft games? I have seen products that create a huge "Bang" I have seen products that cause a small flash (useing caps simmilar to ones in cap guns, or ones that are homemade and use a camera flash) but I have never seen one that creates a "flash" and a "bang". although I did once see one that used the capgun stuff and yes it did make a "bang" (more like a crack) and a little flash of light which was only really visible in a completely dark room. There are also these things called "thumpers" (i think..not sure) they are used by Police and Military for training as falshbangs (i think they are made by GunFX)- there is a guy on these boards who had a pair, pricey..and again just a bang no flash. I think that is the only thing we are missing in airsoft.

I'm talking about a device that can go off in 2-3 seconds and emitt a light at a brightness of no more than a camera flash for a split second and a bang slightly softer than a small firecracker. {Must not be a fire hazard though}
Ideas, thought comments.. anyone?
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