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Old July 7th, 2008, 11:15   #28
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Alberta
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Make sure to always fully charge your battery. Partially charging it will shorten its lifespan considerably. And make sure that when you plug it it to charge it that you put some kind of timer to remind you to pull the plug when it's charged. Overcharging can also lead to premature battery failiure, and with the cheap Ni-Cad batteries that come with those shit guns, they could also catch fire or explode if significantly overcharged.
I used to use a White's metal detector with a rechargeable battery pack in it. I had trouble charging the thing properly because I was often not around to unplug the charger when it needed to be unplugged. I finally came up with a solution to the problem.

I used to have a couple of cheap lamp timers, the kind you plug a table lamp in to. These things had little removable pins that you inserted into the timer dial at the points where you wanted the lamp to come on or turn off. The pins were shaped so that they only performed one function: either on (red pin) or off (black pin).

If one removes all of the bins except for one of the black pins, one has a timer that will only turn off. Set the dial for the number of hours that one wants the charger to run, plug the charger into the timer, turn the timer on manually, stick it in the wall. At whatever time you set it for the timer will turn the power off. Since there's no 'on' pin in the ring, you can leave things plugged in until you can get back to them without fear of the charger coming on again and over-charging the battery.


PS Nice pic, TokyoSeven! You gave me an idea for a theme game! 8-D
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