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Old June 4th, 2008, 17:17   #12
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Location: Ottawa
Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
1911 Serpa fits TM Hicapa (no rail) with some modification. Remove mat'l from catch so it latches over the trigger guard earlier. Remove a bit of mat'l in front of the latch to clear the square trigger guard (1911 has a round TG).

Takes about an hour to mod a Serpa to properly hold a hicapa if you're checking for fitment the first time. Takes maybe 15min if you've done it before (one of those research projects).
What slide are you using in that capa? I have a SD Infinity and the slide is really tight, I need to keep sanding more and more along where the slide makes contact. Everything else is like a glove.

This is a capa 5.1 by the way, and huang's Blackhawk 1911 replica.

EDIT: Phil's 1911 (TM I think?) fits great, its just the capa which is obviously not designed for it...I'm just curious how Carl seemed to have his fit much easier.

Last edited by Naglfar; June 4th, 2008 at 19:36..
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