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Old June 1st, 2008, 20:56   #31
Bob the Angry Potato
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Originally Posted by Lizander View Post
I ate about half a mouth full once. My class and I were on a bus, coming back from a trip, when I pulled out my airsoft gun. It was a small oneand I started randomly shooting people. Anyways, long story short, after shooting nearly the entire bus load of classmates, one of them started crying cause I had shot them in the hand. The teacher came back and started lectureing us. My friends defended me, and I said none of us had a gun and that she was crazy. Just because of the kind of teacher she was, I thought I had better get rid of the bb's in my gun just incase she asked to see my stuff, and found the gun I could say that there was no ammo. Instead of throwing them on the ground, or out the window, I shoved them in my mouth. I eventually started eating some little jaw breakers that my friend had. I forgot about the bbs and ate them all. The lubricant on the new bb's made me sick for about a week. good times though.
I honestly don't know what to say. Judging by the fact this has been let go for an entire hour without any comments, I'm guessing I'm not the only one. I'm just surprised this fuckhead hasn't been banned yet, serious or not.

Last edited by Bob the Angry Potato; June 1st, 2008 at 21:17..
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