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Old May 7th, 2008, 00:17   #12
GBB Whisperer
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by leecas View Post
Those are actually pretty cool looking. But then how cool are they really? I can see a lot a sweat dripping off my face.
They're not too bad - the material seems to transfer heat easily to the outside and doesn't seem to trap it in. Even after wearing one for about half an hour, I did not feel like the inside of the mask got humid. Ventilation seems to move in and out of the mouth and nostril openings very easily and the tight fit keeps fog from going up and out of the eye cavities in to the goggles.

I don't have any field experience with these to give any feedback on what it's like under physical stress. I know a couple of guys may have taken theirs to a game this past weekend, any comments?

Originally Posted by Renegade) View Post
+1 to lee's question. Also, it says not all goggles will work, since we mostly play in paintball fields here, how do u think pball goggles would fit with em?
True, it doesn't fit all eyewear. I tried some standard protective eyewear, and the ears had problems fitting around the edges of the mask. However, I was able to get a very good seal with some ballistic/tactical eyewear.

Oakley SI Assault A-Frames:

I have a pair of JT Spectra goggles here (no mask, just goggle) and I've always thought they were tight around the upper cheekbones/temple area and had a feeling they'd be an issue on these masks, as these masks are a bit on the wider side (I guess just to accommodate are wide-faced friends...) and I just checked it and confirmed - wearing JT Spectra's on these masks are NOT recommended. There is a significant gap at the top middle and bottom (around the nose bridge and inner upper cheek) of the goggle when worn on these masks.

Originally Posted by Comrade Jeff Jamison View Post
Are they sort of like, one size fits all?

Originally Posted by Shooting Chef View Post
Geez, that is freaky. Do they make that is light brown (filipino) color?( gotta be an equal opportunity manufacturer) To think of it...I would hate to be the dude playing a milsim game wearing the osama mask. LOL Are they a breathable material?
There aren't any other colours available for sale in North America right now, but "tan" was one of the listed colours, although I haven't seen any pictures of it yet. Several users are already whipping out spray paint cans and airbrush kits to do custom designs/colours.

The material seems to be fibreglass, and although it's not very breathable, it's not as bad as wearing rubber on the face (there seems to be *some* breath ability). The ventilation design is also very good, so you don't end up swimming in your stale breath. :P
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