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Old May 5th, 2008, 17:40   #11
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Holland
@ azatoth: I think laws here are a bit more f*cked up, i know its expensive in Canada but here its completely illegal...i dont know if any of you know the term ''Nordic Walking'' bu even thats illegal here because the walkin kane's are considered to be weapons..(yeah i know, its crazy...smoke pot all you want here but an elderly activity)
however, on-topic..i think i'll just go with the TM then, i already bought a scope, (3-9x40) so I can go for the Bourne Ultimatum look and i will have a reliable weapon out of the box.
question: how complicated are AEG's because i have totally stripped my HFC g26 and it was fairly complicated, however i'm a patient guy and it worked out for the best:P
also i dont need that much fps because its for inside...
the ver. 3 gearbox and eg1000 are also a +...
I made up my mind then..:P
it is going to be a bit more expensive overall then the Star:
in euro's

Tm 552: -270
Rail: -30
silencer: -30 (+/-)
scope rings -15
light mount -18
cad 570,-

Star M4 -290
scope rings -15
silencer -30(+/-)
light mount -8 (mounted under barrel, like agent mahone from PB has in BHD)
cad 540

as you can see i want a total package, and this obviously doesnt include battery, charger and bb's.
It's more a collectors item to me also for visual effect, hence the scope and light and stuff
anyway thats about the plan..
does it look good? I certanly think so

ps. goldy, the link didnt work..but thx anyway for ur 2 cents
HFC Sub-Compact killer
Best store in Europe

Sopranos Se3e11: Pine Barrens
Christopher Moltisanti: ''Russians? They're not all bad.''
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: ''How 'bout the Cuban Missile Crisis? Cocksuckers flew four nuclear missiles into Cuba, pointed them right at us.''
Christopher Moltisanti: ''That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit.''
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