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Old May 5th, 2008, 13:22   #1
Beethoven's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Holland
Star M4, experience

Hi all, im not new to this forum but i only recently signed up for it
Now im wondering, I want to purchase an AEG in the near future..i only have a ggb and hate being dependant on gas...
Now i've been looking into the Star m4 wich costs €290 which translates to 455 canadian dollars... my question now is: is it good, I cant really find reviews, except for 1 on youtube and 1 on arnie's...
so should i buy that, or just the TM Sig 552 'cause i like the look of that too, it costs €270--> 425 CAD

i just want to add, it's purely for plinking in an around the house, airsoft is illegal here in Holland (i know..we can smoke weed...but airsoft is much more dangerous), but my sister lives in Paris, so thats where i will keep the weapon..

ps. this is my first thread (2nd post) so be gentle
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Christopher Moltisanti: ''Russians? They're not all bad.''
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: ''How 'bout the Cuban Missile Crisis? Cocksuckers flew four nuclear missiles into Cuba, pointed them right at us.''
Christopher Moltisanti: ''That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit.''
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