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Old April 22nd, 2008, 12:53   #45
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Don't like the prices don't buy as everyone has said above.

Importing & selling airsoft takes time + patience and a whole lot of money out of your own pocket.

On a commercial scale where your goods typically take a week to arrive in the license holders hand you're probably hiring a customs broker to go through the whole process & that will just piss the CBSA off alot more and have your 'business' on surveillance.

Unless you're importing on a non-commercial basis than the costs will be alot less, however it may take anywhere from 2-4 weeks before you get clearance of your goods which just adds to the whole time factor.

Importing airsoft from China has become popular these days because of the market - first there was and than A&A who were the first two to increase the price for clones so much - when they first emerged in Canada they were going between $180 - $260. Surprisingly though people still bought them and the bar has been raised.

More importantly though for the sellers and as mopic has mentioned:
Originally Posted by mopic View Post
Lets not talk about risk. Anyone here want to run a 20% risk that you may loose a $12,000 dollar order each and everytime you buy?
Airsoft from China costs less to import and is more readily available from distiributors worldwide. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable knowing that you are only going to be $5000 in the hole than $10,000 plus? It's because of these guns you see LESS pre-orders for guns. Last thing sellers want is having their inboxes full everyday from people worried about if their guns made it through the torturous process of the CBSA.

It is only here in Canada that they are still frowned upon by the high rollers here yet in Asia they are more common than your typically brands. Aftermarket upgrade parts are again readily available and everyone there is always upgrading their toys to the tits.

When you're considering all of this - when there are better margins to be made by importing certain guns I believe anyone here would want to see the best out of the headaches etc. put in to all this.

Oh yeah, stop whining about the prices people.
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