You're right... should just keep my nose out of it..
This is my remedy for good communications with a private seller.
I typically will require
Full name , full address, Telephone # Home work and cell and an e-mail address before I will send money.
I will not require this If the seller is vouched for by someone I know well who had an opinion I value.
If you purchase something from a stranger with nothing but a nickname on a forum to communicate by... its a recipe for frustration.
Originally Posted by Guardian
Absolutely agree on many of these issues except for maybe this... It is not always practical to keep legitimate beefs between the buyer and the seller where they should be. If either party chooses to ignore PM’s and email communications, the issue needs to be communicated somewhere and the sales thread is typically the accepted place. It is like standing at the store sales counter transacting business. If the parties wish to avoid the disadvantages of this then they would do well to keep up with the more discreet forms of communication. Having said that, I am not sure what business anyone who is not actually transacting business with a seller really has posting in his sales thread. I understand some folks love to post their opinion on stuff, but something like “good on you for putting up with the BS…” is considered chatter and is not typically allowed on classified threads. Specific “Gun buyer blues” situations are not your business unless they are posted in the trader rating and you are considering purchasing from the seller.
It's OK to have an opinion without posting it.