Originally Posted by stoo_ped
why??? Because, some of us are married and have kids....and the wife MIGHT just not allow real guns at home. I cant help it if i respect my wife... not to mention hate sleeping on the couch... so airsoft is it.
Good for your wife, glad to see she came with a whip.
Originally Posted by Rob
there is also the availability factor. firearms are restricted to specifically designated ranges, while bb guns do not have that sort of limitations (noise, penetration) which means that it could be fired almost anywhere. [note that safety precautions including ipsc standards should still apply in order to maintain the structure of the game]
1) I can walk down to the sporting goods store and purchase a beretta. I cannot, however walk down to the sporting goods store and purchase an airsoft beretta. I have to get a license to get the gun, but I also need to get age verified to get an airsoft gun. Yes, I'm aware that they're not exactly the same, BUT... real steel = dangerous but readily available.
2) I can't just fire an airsoft pistol anywhere I please. I still have to be in designated areas anyway. Your point is moot at best, irrelevant at worse.
So... If we're arguing availability, actual guns come out on top.
And you're saying more skill and experience to fire a real gun is a detriment? Silly.