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Old April 10th, 2008, 14:30   #20
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yeah really this is the whole point here if your worried wear a mask and a helmet if you dont want to get hit...or just play laser wonder everyone thinks airsoft is nerdy and for pussies, everyone cries about getting hit with BB's and thats the name of the fucking game!
It's also about milsim, 're-enacting', using strategy manouvers, if you want a game where the point is to shoot hard stuff at each other, that's what paintball is for.

As I've said on other forums, I'm ok with 350, depending who I'm playing with. Is some guy going to hold a pistol to my chest and shoot? Is there going to be blindfiring and people with no muzzle control? If that's the case I'd want a low fps, as there's no reason to have high fps in a CQB environment.

Keep in mind, the School CamoGames has is really tight, really close quarters most of the time. Average engagements was about 5-10 feet last time I was there.
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