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Old April 4th, 2008, 16:53   #89
Red Wine & Adderall
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon, SK
1) Some swear by 007, however the shop is run by one man who has his own life outside of airsoft. Communication can be good at times and bad at others. Unfortunetly thats just how it is. He is a good guy and very reliable and will keep true to the transaction. You just have to be paitent. By the time you reach the age of 18, this website has a process known as age verifacation where by meeting a volunteer verifier you can have your date of birth confirmed and you will be able to gain access to the buy and sell sections of this forum. Also there is another retailer in Canada, however being able to purchase from them requires that you are also ASC verified, so I wont bother with details on them.

2) Pricing. Pricing is reflective of many things about airsoft in Canada. Due to airsofts nature, the retailer requires a special license. Without getting to deep into the nitty gritty about how it works I'll sum it up for you as quick as I can. Take your basic 200 dollar gun, throw in the cost of shipping, freight, taxes, customs fees,tarrifs and of course a big wad of profit for the retailer because they dont do this for beans and thats how you get the prices in Canada.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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