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Old April 3rd, 2008, 09:21   #48
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
To anyone who keeps telling Dusti69 to go to US forums... if you'd bother to actually look at some of the other posts he'd made, you'd know he's been to American airsoft forums, and they were acting like complete douchebags (kindof like a bunch of you are now....), which is why he came here, and actually found ASC more helpful.

Sorry for the interruption. Return to your usual usless programing.
Yeah. I've browsed a couple of the American airsoft forums. I wouldn't sign up there. They're fills with angst-ridden, socially inept 15-year-old retards who do nothing but measure their worth by what airsoft gun they have. And they spent their time making themselves look better by putting down others.

Oh wait, that's exactly what's happening in this thread too....
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