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Old April 3rd, 2008, 00:29   #34
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Fuck Jim Lahey
Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
can somebody post a pic or a link to one of these krakens?
you all got me curious now
Oh man, you are an AMERICAN,

Why do you continue to obsess over shitty guns?
You cant possibly comprehend how lucky you guys have it down there in terms of airsoft, you can ghet stuff that we need to pay an arm and leg for for relatively low cost.

MAN GET people up here get krakens as a make work project or as a low end entry level gun suitable for newbs or as a rental.

Dont tke any of this personally I am NOT attacking you, but in canada CA guns are allmost all upwards of $600 I got mine for 800$. So what im getting at is you dont have to settle when you can get sweet stuff.......dont get a kraken you can do better.

And GOD Bless America, I love your country and Vote MCcain for President ( I am serious)

Sorry about the thread jack...
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