Out of the box, Krakens are a huge leap above any other clearsoft or low end airsoft. Of that, there's no doubt. We hears tons of testimonials from owners who run them stock for long periods with minimal issues. For the price, you can't beat a Kraken.But are they as accurate as a TM AK? No. Are they as physically durable? No. Are they as likely to last as long? No. They're cheap guns that perform quite well for the money, and the fact that they're TM clones means they can easily and fairly cheaply repaired and upgraded. I personally think that makes them a great starter gun for a noob, whether it comes with a clear or black receiver.
If one takes the time to perform a little service on the gun when it's brand new, it can be quite reliable. Once metal bushings are installed and the gears are correctly shimmed and greased, the mechbox is pretty reliable for a low end gun. It will run smoothly for thousands of rounds.
Now, the same thing that makes the Kraken cheap to repair also makes it an awesome starting point for anyone wanting to use it as an upgrade platform. One can upgrade the compression system and have a very reliable mechbox that shoots consistently. Add some better gears to that and you have a rock solid mechbox. Add a new hopup, metal body and wood kit, and you now have a reliable, fully metal AK that shoots hard for less than the price of an ABS TM AK that shoots at 280-290 FPS.
And that last part is one thing that makes this gun great for noobs if they're willing to learn how to service their own guns. They can start with a stock Kraken at an affordable, entry-level price, and they can slowly upgrade the gun as they go.