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Old April 1st, 2008, 05:18   #6
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Originally Posted by Lotech View Post
I tried but the site sent an email after I purchased the scope telling me that they could not send this over the border. They will credit my paypal but I'm out the scope. I found a site from the US that also sold the Yukon night vision and they sent me an email telling me that I have to fill out a form. The form goes to Yukon who fill in the rest of the information and then a permit is obtained. Yes, the Canadian sites have very high prices but it seems very hard to even get GEN1.

I went to the Kremlin Optics site and they seem to be in Canada but the scopes are sent from Russia with the shipping fee alone $80.00.

I'll just keep looking

Can you remeber which Ebay store you purchased the night vision from?
Just make sure that the "Ships To" column in the search is shown as either "Worldwide" or "Canada." Those auctions are good to go.
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