Originally Posted by Dusti69
i was actually reccomended this forum by people living in the US
i got one here for the sole purpose of asking this question and i think you guys pretty much answered my basic question so thats pretty cool
yea springers. i guess you all look down on that sort of thing when youre into your 6 hundred dollar maruis and customized aegs you built yourself. im sorry i just dont have that kind of money. 60 bucks is pushing it for me. and really... like 5 and ten dollar spring rifles off of ebay by makers like double eagle and cyma they seem to me like im getting more for what little i paid for seeing as how yes theyre not broke when my 60 and 70 dollar both elephant and lorcin aegs crap out in a day or two after recieving them in the mail. i just think for the type of low level airsoft battles i may get into around here with friends and other people, a springer is gonna suit me perfectly cuz they no doubt with be having anything different. i really expect to see a lot of those gaywad clear soft air guns from walmart cuz thats the only place there is to buy an airsoft around here unless you do online stuff
im sorry if im bothering anyone on here but i would like to thank those of you who did give me a rather prompt answer and im just stoked that its possible even if i may never accomplish it. thanks guys
You're not bothering anyone at all. My remarks came from the fact that for us those "cheap" guns you described that always break would still cost us $200+, so nobody bothers with them. It's better for us to pay $600 for a Marui that will last than $200 for a shitty gun. You'll actually fund absolutly no retailers in Canada for those guns or cheap springers, because nobody here wants them -they're just too bloody expensive for what they are.
To answer your question, if spring guns work for you and your games, all the power to you. Like surebet said, if you have the skills, theoretically you should be able to convert a cheap AEG to a springer. You might have a look at what kind of internals those cheap wal-mart guns have, and how you may be able to use it as an example or port it to a better external body.