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Old March 13th, 2008, 12:09   #36
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Ok, I actually know this guy too. He used to be a priest but got cast out for unprefferable behaviour (not for priests but for the general public). Later on in life he met a donkey by the name of Jingles and decided to mate. His offspring was a normal boy, but was out of control like most Asses his age. The only way to punish him was to chase him around wearing nothing but underwear and shoot at him with an air gun. In the states this is a normal thing to do, so dont judge it. Now if the judge knew the boy was half donkey, Im sure this would immediately get thrown out of court and the judge would pull his cheap 8 dollar air gun out from under his desk (which also contains a cot for afternoon napping, also a regular occurence in the states) and shoot the ass himself....

Last edited by Mapcinq; March 13th, 2008 at 12:55..
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