CADPAT. Its wat the CF wear and it's pretty good. You live in Toronto so stop by Jeroon...
Don't buy black items you will stick out in the bush. Cadpat, Marpat, woodland or even OD is better. OD vests in my opinion are the best because you can wear a variety of Green camo patterns and the vest will not stick out. All the large milsim games are in the bush around Southern Ontario. CQB is fun during the winter months a TTAC3 or Splatters but you should prepare yourself for the outdoors games where you get hundreds of players campared to 20 or 30 indoors.
If you look here
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/forumdisplay.php?f=154 under the specific teams requirement you will see pictures of various camo patterns for teams in this event this year. It might give you some ideas.