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Old March 1st, 2008, 00:08   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Replica Eotech 552 Takedown

Hey guys i recently bought a replica 552.We all know that the 552 has problems with elevation adjustment.This is the way to FIX it.After you do all this you can adjust it and zero it out.

Replica Eotech 552

Tools you need

Phillips screw driver

Allen key or head

Step 1:Lift up battery lever cover

Step 2:Push up battery cap from the bottom

Step 3:Un-screw bottom mount.Plus make sure you don't lose the washer on the screw.

Step 4:Un-screw screws outer cover this is 2 on each side.

Step 5:Slide back out cover.

Step 6:Un-screw 4 screws on the bottom.

Step 7:Un-screw 2 screws at the back.

Step 8:CAREFULLY slide back the top piece.Since there is 2 springs that pop-out.

Step 9:Remove 2 springs indicated.

Step 10:When installing back this is what its suppose to look like.

Assemble back WITH OUT the 2 springs and now you can adjust elevation and zero it out.Hope this has been helpful to some people.PM me if you have any questions.
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