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Old February 27th, 2008, 20:39   #106
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Originally Posted by Sha Do View Post
Just to add the list of "old timer facts" that Armyissue (Jeroon) posted;

It is rumored that Lt.Poncho was the first Canadian airsofter, and having been the first import airsoft from either the US or Asia, though an advertisement in the back of an old BB Gun magazine (close to 20 years ago). He is responsible for establishing the accepted rules on safety, fps limits, and so forth, and is labeled the "God Father" of Canadian airsoft.
He has run some of the largest airsoft milsim events in Canada, and has amassed a huge following of very loyal and devoted worshipers.

BTW; Welcome to airsoft. I hope you will come to enjoy the sport as much as the rest of us, and please, be careful of the droolers. As for me, not to worry, I'm married.....and yes, my better half has been involved in airsoft for almost 11 years.

It's "Airsoft Buddha" Sha do get it right man, and spike666 I'm divorced and a successful Executive Chef

* that last comments was made by poncho when i was in the can - wildcard

Last edited by wildcard; February 27th, 2008 at 20:54..
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