TM G17 problem.. pls help!
i let my friend play around with my g17.. he pulled the slide back 1 too many times.
anyways a BB jammed somewhere wierd, and the slide would remained locked back (its stuck, the slide lock is down). i shook it around and eventually this BB came out.. but the slide is still stuck (when i pull the trigger the slide moves a bit)
today i managed to get the slide off with some force. i put the slide back on.. and same thing happend... stuck again. must have screwed up something with the hammer or trigger or something i dont know..
What suggestions do you guys have?? any help is appreciated
ive taken out the outer barrel/hop up already so i know thats not the problem .. still gets stuck with out it. if you guys need any pictures let me know!!
Last edited by szetor; February 27th, 2008 at 05:28..