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Old February 26th, 2008, 22:16   #144
Gumby's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Ontario, Canada
FWIW, as a PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER (i do this for a LIVING), I have absolutely no problem trusting MY LIFE with my C8. I have fired thousands of rounds through C-7, C-7A1, C7-A2, and C8, LIVE and blank, and have NEVER had an unexpected stoppage. Take care of your kit, and it will take care of you.

As a soldier, my rifle is a part of my body, If my rifle breaks down, it means I broke down.

As for the comment earlier about "its a soldiers job to die" well, let me say, My job is to use my "inferior" M-4" to live, and ensure my fellow SOLDIERS live. And no one I know is afraid of their weapon breaking down. (BTW, we do train for that, it takes less than a second to fix most times)

But thats just my two cents.

Last point, this is AIRSOFT, so the debate over which gun is better is stupid anyway. I like heavy metal, you like rap.. why? who gives a shit, really?
We are not the Public Service of Canada, We are not just another department, We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people.

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