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Old February 25th, 2008, 23:18   #12
Official ASC Bladesmith
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I think people are expecting too much with that mechbox, I mean, stop comparing it to the Systema PTWs. Yes it has some upgrade features to it (which are attractive) and won't need to deal with cracked mechboxes anymore, the circuit is nice too, even if it dry fires. And seems pretty good on the chrony from what I saw for results.

But, I wouldn't buy one since it's gonna be at least $500 once it hits the market here. Mechboxes cost me $40 each, if I spend that every two years, no biggie. Reliable? Ran my MP5SD for two solid years without even opening it and was running a decent PDI 150% spring (that eventually broke the Hurricane mechbox.)

It's a better designed replacement V2 mechbox that is "The Next Generation" for CA and TM airsoft guns. Go drool on your PTWs elsewhere.
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