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Old February 24th, 2008, 21:22   #45
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Originally Posted by Kody_1 View Post
Just wondering if anyone finds the RS uppers to be too tight to fit the cylinders?? I have a Colt SP1 ,an A2 not sure of make (got it in a trade) and now I just got 2 Armalites .And of the four none of them fit my 4 cylinders.
I've just started to lap the Colt ,the lapping compound I have is fine ,so it's taking time ,but it is opening it up slowly.
All the threads I've read ,no one has mentioned this.I have a tool being made to cut the back end of the upper for the step in the cylinder.The other cuts I'll build a jig for the dremel wish me luck LOL
yes, you will need to enlarge the back portion of the receiver to allow the cylinder to fit, I am a dental Technician so grinding all types of metal is easy for me along with my high speed and high torque handpiece or even a lathe....however you can use a hard stone and your dremel to accomplish this, i suggest that you install the charging handle to make it easy to take out the cylinder.... however, you must make sure that the cylinder is perfectly alligned....but everyone has their own techniques, i like to measure everything and plan out on paper before I start trimming....

Hey, how did you manage to fit the SP1 since the hole are bigger...
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