Thread: An odd Question
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Old February 19th, 2008, 23:54   #12
Double Tapper
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I don't want to use a shell catcher which is what the
rap bb system uses.I also don't want a jac ststem with the
hose.I want to use a gas system without using shells.
I will be able to use this rain or shine and not worried
about water.This design will sound nice when fired.
I can always fall back on my AEG for cooler weather.
The rap 6mm kit is cheap and comes with no evidence
of its ability work as claimed.For all I know,the 6mm could
roll out barrel like the kit I have from them,I instead
converted it to a 177.pellet and it works,but I had to mod
their system to get it to fire their's.
Thanks for the input guys.
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