Originally Posted by Ghillie973
See that's the problem here. If everyone acted like they did in real life (respectful and polite to people they just met) we wouldn't have these issues. If I asked a question and someone was as rude as they are here, I'd probably punch them in the face. Remember, treat others how you'd like to be treated.
On the other hand, don't say shit knowing it will start an arguement.
Stop the trolling and the flaming and ASC will be a much better place.
It's just some people think they are the sh*t behind their screens and show no respect since they don't know who they are messing with, right?
You don't need to flame guys who just started an account and don't know crap. A forum isn't to scare users away, it's the people in it who need to educate new users instead of a starting a sh*t storm.