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Old February 8th, 2008, 17:31   #252
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: I WANT AN G36C AEG
Wellcome to airsoft! You have chose wisely in your endeavour to entertain yourself outside your bedroom! Firstly, I am also a newb, I have one gun, and thats how I likes it. Its a JG J36c and its sweet! Not only does it resemble and act like the real weapon, but its cheap too. As a newb I was apprehensive as to where i should buy it, most retailers are good, and AASURPLUS was no different. The JG was 400$ practicaly on the mark and was newly restocked. the order process was effort and painless. I was so confident i bought two extra midcap mags, a fore grip, and a red/green dot scope with the grand total and shipping (regular) coming out to 550.00$ All in all, super buy. One and only problem, the scope came with a massive crack in its front protective lense. The gun itself is a good buy on its own and i would recomend JG a your best bet for guns, they have good variety, and amazing quality for copy cat airsoft guns. The internals are lookin fine at this point, but how should i know? I've only fired a few blank shots, by the way, its loud! By the way, screw the classifieds here, GO for the gold, the journey is sweeter by your self. besides, dont let the limited quantity/quality distract you from what you want. I wanted a G36c, so i went on the internet and got one. NO HASSLE! By the way, this post degraded into weird topics fast. just a bunch of conversations.

Last edited by G36CFTW; February 8th, 2008 at 17:40..
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