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Old February 8th, 2008, 10:04   #245
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
$3000 +installation for the one i want. Yes they are expensive.
yea superchargers can be a bit of a pain. you may have to redo alot of your internals just to put one on and maximize it. my dad was throwing that idea around for his vette, which runs 450 on the rear wheels, but because of the nature of a charger alot of the stuff he had race tuned before would have to be re tuned and it would cost a huge amount of money. plus really when it comes down to it, it is surprising how much you can squeeze out of an N/A engine. plus unless you are dedicated to your car in a big way anything more then 400-500 rwhp your lookin at alot of time and money just for tuning and maintenance to keep it running.
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