Originally Posted by ILLusion
And you are correct - the barrel nut is steel and the receiver is die-cast aluminum. I've also heard of dissimilar metals seizing in my studies and it was also what I was assuming happened here.
Check for signs of oxidation on the barrel and delta ring if/when you get it off.
My electrochemistry is a bit fuzzy, but you're right, when two dissimilar metals are contacting it can have an adverse affect. IIRC, if you pick two metals who's electrode potentials are very different (ie. they're far apart on the table) then there's cause for concern with oxidation. However, in this case it's aluminum and steel (iron) which are very close on the table (seperated by only one other element).
Someone with a better chemistry background should be able to confirm or further explain. Definately shoot some bolt loosener grease in the threads when trying to get it off (WD-40 works ok but there's better stuff). Maybe if you know someone who can TIG weld they could fix it for you (would require a lot of finishing work afterwards tho).