Originally Posted by Ronan
Hey i was raised to be polite and helpful to the female gender!! lol
Originally Posted by Ronan
Holy mother fucking sexy bitches that deserve to be pounded into the sand and then back in space! But i wouldn't do that... i'm not that type of guy!
She got all the answers she needed and then some
Cause you were hoping to get some!
Originally Posted by Ronan
See iv been right all along... ASC needs a feminine touch (Sorry TS you aren't enough  )
............ Tokyo Seven is a guy.
Originally Posted by No_Way
Haw, bTW, anyone know what happened to Greylocks ?
My guess? He didn't stick around because he feels like playing airsoft, and "real world" rather than "playing internet".
Originally Posted by Scooby Steve
I don't know if it was intentional but by not making the "R" bold it became Onan's Shack. Onan was a biblical character who spilled his seed upon the ground, what we would call masturbated.
Freudian slip. BTW - I'll pass on the circle jerk.
I can't believe I missed this thread till now. Maybe I'll have to start paying attention to threads with FAQ questions as the title.